Dating After Divorce – Tips For Divorced Men Who Are Eager To Date Again

So, you’re officially divorced, single and ready to get going. Dating after divorce can be hard for some guys, especially if you was in a long marriage. Most guys don’t know how to get back into the dating game, and for those in that situation, here’s some sound advice.

To be truthful with you, there is no need to rush into things. You are the only one who knows if he is ready to date again or not. Try not to let others rush you into anything either. Don’t date to wage revenge on your ex, if you meet someone and it feels right, go for it.

Now I know you’re first instinct would be to stay away from any woman that reminds you of your ex, but it’s nothing to stress over. Moving on with your life doesn’t exactly mean you should forget about that part of your life. After all, you and your ex wife probably had some great times together right?

Now would also be a good time to get some physical changes sorted out. Join your local gym and go at least twice a week. Keep an eye on what you eat too. Most men during a long marriage or relationship tend to let themselves go a bit, so you’re probably slightly unfit. Go and buy yourself a new set of clothes aswell to spruce yourself up. Even fi it’s a new belt, a pair of pants or some new shoes, at least it shows you’re making an effort.

If you’re making changes on the inside, with regards to your outlook on life and your attitude, then you may aswell change your appearance!

That first relationship after a divorce is the absolutely best time to get your feet wet, and will be a great learning experience for you that will literally throw you back into the game. That first dating after divorce experience is where all the healing begins for you, and no matter how willing you are to jump back into the dating game, only time will tell just how ready you REALLY are.

So, to summarise what we’ve just said above, get closure from your ex, and leave all the bad memories behind. NEVER compare any women you meet to your ex, Aim for picking up women in any location possible. The drug store, the bank, whilst at the gym etc, and improve yourself by going to the gym and eating healthily and use the support offered by your friends and family to guide you through it all.